Canvas Prints..

By on 6-24-2009 in Canvas Wraps

pick your own

Just a quick update that our canvas prints are back in stock in the Etsy shop.  Square pictures in 8″ x 8″ or 10″ x 10″ or for any of portrait/landscape pictures, choose an 8″ x 10″ !  For larger sizes (up to 16″ x 20″), please visit the main shop..  all canvas prints are stretched around a wooden frame, have deep edges that are staple free so you can hang them as they are on you wall ! They look just like a real painting!  All hardware is attached, ready to hang straight out of the box! .. perfect for birthday/wedding/anniversary gifts or just treat yourself ( and your home!) ..

Thanks for looking!

-Suzanne x


  1. Oh wow these are great, you’re right i think i do need to treat myself lol 🙂

  2. What a fabulous treat these would be for anyone!


  3. Oh these would make a great Gift for someone for sure….
    Thanks Suzanne and Grant for always coming up with great idea’s..
    Hugs Mea