1. I think this is wonderful..she is beautiful xxx

  2. I have just found your blog via another blog and I just wanted to say, your work is amazing, you are so talented.I love this new piece, great for Valentine’s day.

  3. She is beautiful. Wish my buns would look so nice. XD

  4. Beautiful work, Suzanne. It’s a lovely piece.

  5. i agree with kim 🙂

  6. It’s lovely, Suzanne!

  7. she is beautiful!!

  8. stunning !! my 2 fave things !! gorjuss and butterflys in the same painting !! 😀

  9. Suzanne she is beautiful :)Really different from the other Gorjuss girls you have done!

  10. i love love LOVE your paintings but for this one, i want to know why you drew her naked? its not like i hate it or anything but its just that i like the other ones better… i always admire how you draw her hair so rich and good looking but for this one… why is she naked??? :omg:

  11. Oh this is beautiful x

  12. Oh Suzanne, You know I love this one,With all your back problems and your surgery this just makes so much sense to me… I had the butterfly strips on my back when i had surgery…
    IJust Love it….

  13. Suzanne, I love this girl!!! She expresses so much emotion!! You minimalism speaks volumes!!! Sandy

  14. Suzanne, I absolutly LOVE this painting, With the fact that my husband lives and deals with HORRIBLE back issues daily I KNOW what you have dealt with and I so feel your pain. Thank you so much for this painting and sharing so much with us

  15. This tube is just so cute. Her little butt is adorable.

  16. oh suzanne.. i love this one.. shes so cute.. love the lil butterflies on her back.. i too suffer with back issues..but only in the winter.. being i have arthristis in my back..

  17. This creation is absolutely splendid … *