By on 8-15-2008 in Gorjuss Products, Help & Tutorials, Important Updates

OPEN NOW!!! Please form an orderly queue

Now please don’t rush!!!  One at a time….

Create your account or have a browse first……. it doesn’t matter….


AMI are not willing to allow you to use two license numbers on their tubes, so the simplest solution is to trade your old AMI license number in and convert it to a new Gorjuss code, Or simply dont mix and match old AMI tubes with new GorjussArt tubes…….. Sadly this is the way of things but we had to adhere to their contract. Any issues contact us. I shall update the Terms of Use now..


Simply email me at help@gorjussart.com and I will endeavour to assist you… this may be a slow process should demand be great tonight, but I will be in touch as SOON as I can be.  *memo to self : Setup email*… I am here untill the early am UK time to help as many of you as I can get started. Our beta testers found it quite simple to navigate and get around so we hope you won’t actually need us.  Though I have put some information in tonights blog to offer some help for situations you may wish to explore.


When you create an account, the welcome email with your Unique Gorjuss Digital license code is sent to you immediately. Before emailing help@gorjussart.com for assistance, make sure you check your email spam filters, or spam folders.  Your welcome email is very important… so please keep it safe for your own records.


The checkout is quite simple to use and should have a nicely polished trolley for you to use. If you are enviromentally concerned, all our downloads come in renewable virtual boxes, these simply recycle themselves when you open them instantly.


When you buy any of our downloadable content, it will complete the sale and return you to your account with a big DOWNLOAD button.  Click it to get your files.  If you bought items that require shipped to you, then your download button and order history are available through “MY ACCOUNT” button on the top banner…


Gift Certificates are available to buy, these are tricky little things, and need to be manually authorised by myself or Suzanne, so when you buy one, it may take upto 24hours to be ready. It will arrive in your email inbox by way of an email with a redemption code, this code is entered at the checkout.  OR if you log into the shop, and click on my account, it will show you your Gift Certificate amount, and you can send some of it, or all of it to another person.  Using the SEND button just below.  If you find this tricky at all, just email us and we will help you through it.


If you find anything we’ve missed or have any feedback to offer, please email me at help@gorjussart.com, and share your thoughts in the blog. We hope this is a good step forward for us all, but we accept that some people may have difficulties and we want to ensure they are fixed very quickly.


We will be running competitions tonight………. I will most likely edit the blog so that people can still access the above information, so when you check for running competitions, scroll down here to the bottom, here I will post the results and the next challenges…

We will be offering gift certificates as prizes tonight.  $5 and $10…. Gift certificates will be mailed out to you, in order to get it right you will need to have an account in the shop and I will e-mail you to get these details… your Gorjuss Digital License number will suffice for me to find your account… (Thats in your welcome email…dont delete it).

So we have some prizes planned already…..

First Account Made – $10 Gift Certificate..  WINNER: Jill R.

Fifth Order Made – $10 Gift Certificate…    WINNER: NatashaB.

We will get some other competitions going once these have been met…

Sorry about the delay… lots of little issue to resolve…….. kept me busy…

Ok time to run an interesting competition….

9:00pm Competition – PLEASE STOP NOW!!!

I will offer $5 gift certificates for every 10th post using my favourite “SDRAWKCAB GNITIRW”, I will check that the sentences are not RUDE or offensive… so get posting…  I am looking to give away a total of $50 so that 10 winners…

You can only win once, in the event you have the 10th and 20th post, the 2nd prize will go to the 21st person… and so on..

You guys are driving me mad…….. lol…….. so many posts its absolutely fantastic…….

If you don’t receive your WELCOME email please email help@gorjussart.com straight away, the strain on the site has caused some emails to fail………. so dont wait….. mail me…….  I will now be back at 11pm to start another competition and announce the winners of the backwards talking!!  So bare with me………. and thanks for playing……


Well tonights opening was a great success, with plenty of teething issues and automated email issues, but I think we’re ok now, If you haven’t received your welcome email yet, please mail me at help@gorjussart.com , I’ll re-send it on to you. Other than that and a weird folder in the zip _macosx, its not meant to be there, and I have fixed that.  Any Issues with packs or zips or downloads please mail help@gorjussart.com .  Sales is for sales queries, payments etc… it helps me deal with issues quicker!! lol….  So Saturday it is now UK in (went a bit yoda there). Tonight I will get the next competition done, I TOTALLY Underestimated the demand and email levels tonight.

Im stunned and so honoured and amazed to be working with you all as you are all frankly the best customers in the world. Thanks for your patience, your understanding, your tags…. and I hope I can meet your requirements and expectations.

I am going to be around for another hour then I have to go sleep… its just past 2am here, and my email box is beginning to quieten down.  I will respond to any emails when i awake!!  Thanks again…



  1. have a carrot instead Gwennie lmao, better for ya health

  2. running to pull ya out of the corner – take the compliments on the chin – honey girl – LOL

    I got my license number email now just got to wait for pay day LMBO – school shopping kilt my bank book

  3. i am tired now grrr

  4. The Site looks FAB!!!!!!!

  5. I got mine too , i nearly deleted lmao, doh. gonna have to search out all me recipts and change over licence 🙂

  6. coffee tamie quickkkkkk lol

  7. wat you have to change ur ami licence to new one ?

  8. sunf two sugars and milk sweetie

  9. no ya dont have to but ya can lol

  10. i reckon a beer in order lorna dont you lol

  11. no you don’t have to change but that is an option

  12. did someone say coffee

  13. lol sunf have got an apple now !!!

  14. i nac eitrw sdrawkcab tub eno fo ym sllecniarb seid hcae emit, lol! (dna i t’nac eraps yna)

  15. i want coffee! LOL

  16. I gonna go brew a cuppa

  17. ha ha apples better then carrots anyways roflma

  18. URGENT Update in the BLOG! Please re-read….. TERMS OF USE

  19. got it mr G, thats why i wanna change licence coz i like to mix em up

  20. So we just drop our AMI license for our new one?

  21. woooohoooo love the shop! i just had to go shopping!lol!

  22. so, how do wet go about using the new license number on the old tubes from ami? Iam confuzzled, or that is to say i ma delzzufnoc

  23. you gotta send reciepts in to new shop to get them changed over christina

  24. receipts from AMI? Not sure I have mine from them…

  25. its in the tou in the shop best read that you will understand better

  26. hopefully I can get in on the next contest XD

  27. Duh! Busy day, thanks.

  28. oooops, sorry, I see now we are done with the contest

  29. lmao dang wish i had been bored atiff i have

  30. have loked at tou ! cheers mr g ! clear now although the tubes i ordered from ami 7 days ago are yet to get to me so i dont need to worry bout changing licence details pmsl

  31. ran outa red bull ffs lol 🙁

  32. pmsl, starts chasiung that cow down road, milk do?

  33. Ok I Downloaded my new tubes what is the _MACOSX folder? Nothing shows in PSP but I see files in the folder

  34. i av that to hun but i got my tubes in there also that show in psp

  35. lmbo @ milk milk

  36. Are your tubes on a png sheet with the image?

  37. haha love the milk milk advert so funny

  38. yups they are and ave the macosx folder aswell

  39. the _macOS folder is a little glitch from zipping on a mac..

    I have sorted the zip file already… shouldnt be there any more..
    its nothing in it just thumbs..

  40. well i aint going acrinton stanly for it coz i aint got a benny hat 🙁

  41. ok cool that is what I have, just thought the macosx folder might have them cut out for me, I am lazy, but i can cut them out

  42. Oh ok thanks MR. G

  43. thanks for the info mr g 🙂

  44. ooo gone all quite WAKEEEEEEEE uppppppppp haha

  45. I was like what is FAG time then it hit me a Ciggie, LOL, blonde moments :blush:

  46. thinks some heads are hurting tamie !!lol