Please Read

By on 8-18-2010 in Important Updates

It is almost a year since Suzanne’s spine operation and the issues it generated (hole in her spinal cord, multiple operations to fix it and then contracting menengitis) and I find myself in deep reflection of where we are and what our future holds,

The medical profesion has left us in a little nothingness, the current situation is however frustrating and draining.  We have tried our best to keep the severity of our situation private as it prove to be distressing to Suzanne to discuss it, but now we need your support more than ever.  I want you all to be part of keeping Suzanne’s artwork alive through this difficult nightmare. Making this post feels a bit  like giving up and has proven to be extremely difficult to write.

I have raided her Sketch books to find originals and unused images to create new artworks from but the truth is we are running short of suitable designs, Suzanne continues to keep  exercising her arms and hands to try to keep her abilities up to scratch but Sketches that may have taken an hour are now taking weeks, she isnt happy with the quality of them!  This is due to loss of feeling in her arms and legs and the constant pain she experiences.  The medications are strong and make her so tired and irritable and often cause her to be unable to think straight.  It has lead us to thinking of closing the shop and for me to seek part time work around the time I spend caring for her.  Sadly the time she requires makes even a part time job out of the question and instead we hope that the gorjussart and etsy shop will contribute to keep our bills paid.  Unfortunately as the months have progressed the lack of new works have taken their toll and we face stark financial problems, we do still have options available to us but I worry about our immediate future.

It has been a roundabout of highs and lows and it has taken its toll on me and I am struggling to keep up with emails and errors are creeping into the orders.  In order to make things more sustainable I am looking at setting a day specifically for making and shipping orders, rather than the current 48 hr options.  It will affect delivery times to a small degree, but will actually allow me to focus fully on the orders and hopefully help getting orders out on time and correctly.  At the moment I am hoping to make this day a Friday or possibly Weds, I may need to alternate it each week.   We are hoping to find a way for Suzanne to create artworks in her own time without the pressures of trying to pay the bills, and we do have some interesting ideas to share with you, please support us by letting us know if the idea is any good or not.  Time is a luxury we are struggling to find.

I’ll explain a little of how a typical day goes from Suzanne’ s point of view.

She will be woken by myself to get her to take her morning meds before I take the kids to school, she is rarely aware of what day it is and often has no movement or feeling in her legs and sometimes her arms.  The pain is intolerable and often as she wakes the squeals of pain start and I have to help her move the affected limbs and possibly rub them to help the feeling start to return ( to HER normal range of feeling!), normally this feels like the limbs are on fire for her and I find it so difficult to put her through this.  After a few hours the limbs usually come back under her control but are so weakened.

After dropping the kids at School I head home to help Suzanne get her morning routines completed, often I have to wake her again for this and the short journey on crutches to the onsuite bathroom is becoming more and more difficult. More often than not I have to carry her to and from the bathroom, other than this journey Suzanne goes nowhere. The only time we have to take her anywhere is to the hospitals and that is a process that utterly breaks my heart.  I can not possibly explain how painful it is to put Suzanne in the passenger car seat, lower it back so she can lie on her side with cushions everywhere and then set off on a journey of her screaming in agony all the way there and back.  Even in her wheelchair the pain persists and by the time we are seen she can’t answer simple questions like her name.

Our immediate goals are to get her able to sit in her wheelchair comfortably so thatour previous ‘normal’ life may become a possibility again, anything that allows us a degree of what we used to love back, but we have no guarantee’s that this will ever happen.  This is something that I have come to realise I have not accepted yet, I have attended many carers group meetings and now realise that I still hold expectations for our future that are now unrealistic.  It is so simple to assume that she will improve with time but the damage may be permanant. The orginal operation that left a hole in her spinal cord, the loss of CSF fluids, the many surgical procedures to fix the hole and the menengitis have all played a part in her current condition.  All could have lead to this damage, the only medical opinion we have is that if it doesn’t improve soons, it more than likely never will. Tthings are slowly getting worse, its so hard to know what positives we have when things are just getting more and more difficult.  We have exhibitions that are near impossible to get new materials for and again I scour old sketch books to find unused gems, sometimes Suzanne will colour them with her amazing pens over the weeks, and it leaves everything so last minute to ship to the exhibitions in time.

We decided we needed to involve you all in this situation not for sympathy but more for your understanding and support.  You all sent words of support and prayers when Suzanne was in hospital and this was a wonderful crutch, what we need from you now is the same, and please do not worry about ordering and filling my plate or overwhelming us with work, I will make time to get orders out with support to look after Suzanne for that day, this will be easier as the support services become more available to us.

The only thing we ask is to not request custom works or commission for the current time, we will make it very obvious if a time arises where this becomes a possibility again.

We promise we will do everything we can to keep our shop open, and keep you all updated through the dark times… and please do keep an eye on the wonderful products that Santoro are making (2011 diaries out now), and please do get your local shops to contact them to stock items.  Santoro is our bright future and we hope Suzanne will be able to build on it in time in some way.   For all the exhibitions, we are moving mountains to get works that are unused and exciting and unseen (including new works made over the weeks) with the new frames we have that are amazing, so please do pop by to see the works and if you love them, support us by buying them.

We know this is a difficult financial time for the world, and money is difficult to find, and with so many good causes around asking us for support and donations, I just have to say Sorry, we would love to donate and help but we’re struggling to keep our house as it is, and all our time is used up with Suzanne’s care needs and the needs of day to day life.  We have donated earlier in the year to some charities, and we love to support them when we can.  I hope we can support these causes again in the near future.

Thank you for your attention and please do encourage people who may be interested to read this post, and please comment below. Do not worry about hoping Suzanne will get well soon, its something I continue to do even in the reality of its unlikliness.

Before you all warn me to take it easy and make time for myself, I have spent months growing a support network of people that I can moan at and run to with problems, these are wonderful external services that I only wish were easy to find, our local carers centre has made all of this possible and I owe them a lot.  So I will be looked after so that I can continue to care for Suzanne to the highest degree.  Thank you all for your support in the past, and I thank you all for your continued support.

Best Wishes

Mr G.


  1. Mr G. It must have been so terribly hard for you to write this, but I am glad you did as I think all Suzanne's fans would be.
    I am a great believer in the power of positive thinking, so I am keeping you both in my thoughts and and my heart and know that there will be some good news for you both.
    Oh and those cross stitch patterns suggestion from Terrie sound wonderful and I would love some more Gorjuss Girls stamps. Hugs…………..Baukje

  2. Suzanne and Mr. G: I'm a fairly newbee here, so not been aware of Suzanne's health. I can understand some, as I've had Cervical surgery, 2 lumbar surgeries (once with shattering a bone), and I'm left with more pain now than before surgeries. The one positive that Suzanne has is Mr. G., as I struggle alone.
    I love the art work and wish I were able to purchase tons of it. God Bless and keep you both, the future is as bright as the promises of God. You both will stay in my prayers.

  3. My heart goes out to the both of you for what you're dealing with. Sending warm, healing and energetic thoughts and prayers for you.

  4. My heart goes out to your family and I pray things will improve. I don't know if this suggestion has been mentioned yet, but what about picture puzzles using Gorjuss art? Or even colouring books, I know a lot of kids that like this art and comment when I use it to make tags and ask if they can get any to colour.

    Sassy *S*

  5. lamento leer todo esto, no tenia ni idea, pero les mando energia y todo mi apoyo, en cuanto a la cuestión de dar ideas para poder tener una economia necesaria, creo que debe ser algo sencillo de venta diaria de facil acceso a todos, entonces pienso en que pueden incorporar sus diseños a dulces o chocolatinas o cromos de coleccion para niñas, no se mucho de como funcionan estos negocios pero creo que en las ventas diarias y sencillas es donde podrian sanear su economia. un beso muy fuerte y perdone pero es que no se expresarme adecuadamente en Inglés

  6. No manejo el inglés y el traductor no transmite correctamente lo que dicen pero desde aqui,Argentina,les envío Mucha Luz para este dificil momento!
    Que Dios los Bendiga
    Soy Fan de las Gorjus
    besos y abrazos de oso!!!

  7. Desconhecendo a todo este problema que atingiu o nosso querido Suzanne. Confie em Deus , ore para que Ele vai proporcionar melhorias significativas para ele. Não desista de orar e confiar. Vou rezar por ela.

  8. Grant!I have an idea on how to sell Suzanne artwork.How about putting her art in a school supply store's?? where teacher's can decorate the class room and change their room with season change's.If I was still teaching I sure would.Suzanne's artwork is such a breath of fresh air any teacher would love to display her work. Fabric would be another good idea for many sewer's out there.I hope these idea's are something for you and Suzanne to consider..Best of Luck in whatever you decide for your future..Prayer's*Love to you both..Linda(Washington State)

  9. Não fazia idéia do real estado de saúde da autora das bonequinhas que eu adoro, sinto por ela …
    Minha menssagem à ela é :”Não haverá impossíveis para Deus” Lucas 18:27 e Lucas 1:37.
    Com certeza me lembrarei dela em minhas orações!!!!
    Jeus te ama , eu tambem Suzanne.


  10. Aww im so sorry to read this, i wish you all nothing but love and best wishes

    Concerning Suzannes artwork, have you ever thought of soft dollies, like rag dolls? My little girl has been bugging me for ages for a gorgeous dolly as she calls your girls
    Or colouring books? learning/flash cards? Girls bedroom stuff, duvet sets/curtains/lamp/cushions etc i know my little girl would go nuts for it


  11. Susanne sou Brasileira e amo suas bonequinhas, como faço para comprar? meu e-mail é

    obrigada flor..bjos.

  12. Suzanne will be praying for God to enlighten your days

  13. My Dear Suzanne
    I don't know what to say, but my heart that you will continue to find the strength to hope, fight and live.
    We all love Suzanne's work & we pray that she finds some relief from her pain.
    I shall also be sending gorjuss positive thoughts her way. Don't give up, guys!
    Hugz & Much Love

  14. I ran into some Gorjuss card the other day in a shop in Matlock and it jogged my memory that I had once chatted with Suzanne on a craft forum a few years ago… my heart goes out to all of you and I will go back to the shop and buy some more cards when I next get the chance to help in any that I can.

  15. If her problem was a surgical mistake. Then the hospital should help pay for her care! Maybe a consult with a lawyer is in order.

    I love Suzanne's work !!

    Sending hugs and prayers from Florida xoxox

  16. Just this weekend I hung on my wall my favourite Gorjuss artwork (My tree is special), which I admire daily and always makes me smile. I had no idea what you were all going through and I just hope that things do get better, easy words to say I know but I hope they come true.

  17. Suzanne and Mr. G, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Remember the song:
    When you walk through a storm hold your head up high…

  18. I am sadden by this news, but please know that Suzanne is in my thoughts and prayers. She is a great lady and I love her work. Please give Suzanne my very Best!
    Hugs and love,

  19. I had no idea of this situation, you have been very honest and brave – my thoughts and prayers are sent to Suzanne, you, your children and her extended family.

    I think Suzanne's designs are brilliant, she is very talented and her art work would be amazing as stickers!?

  20. I came across your site in an unusual way and wanted to say I will keep you all in my prayers. What beautiful work!

  21. Hugs to both of you, are in my prayers


  22. Wishing you both all the best. You're in my thoughts. I've been in love with your artwork for years.

  23. Reading it made my heart go out to you all, and I can't comprehend what it must be like for your family trying to get through this. My heart goes out to you, and unfortunately that's all I can offer from the other side of the world. I am sure all your clients will understand.

  24. Im so very sorry to hear of the situation you are in, I only just became aware of it. I love the Gorjuss line, Suzanne is so talented, it is truly inspirational to me. I do hope for the best for the shops future, the art, and most of all, Suzannes. My prayers will be with you all.

  25. I can't even imagine what you all must be going through, even the children. Huge hugs and lots of love to you all, especially Suzanne!! <3

  26. Hi,

    It breaks my heart to read of the suffering you all go through. I wish you all the very best and if not a complete recovery then one where you will not be in so much pain.

    My very best wishes to you xxx

  27. Hi Mr G,

    Read your entry and I would like to send my best wishes to you all. You must be a pretty wonderful person, not only to look after Susanne as you do, but to keep a home going, children to care for and a business to look after which seems to be really taking off.

    I have purchased some cards which I have put together myself and they really are 'gorjuss' (what a fab name).

    Morris Philipson is my son so he keeps me informed about up and coming products (he's just told me about x-stitch items which I will be looking at soon). I love to x-stitch as well as making my own cards.

    Just thought I would leave you a few words and say keep your chin up – you're doing a great job.

    My very best wishes are with you all and I hope the future is better for all of you.

    Best wishes

    Gillian Dooling xxx

  28. big hugs to you all. your family is in my thoughts. best wishes!

  29. soy española y me encanta esta muñeca

    felic idades

  30. My heart and best wishes are with you both.

  31. We pray for you both. I live in Venezuela and I love Suzanne´s work. We hope she will be fine soon. Best wishes.

  32. I pray for you and send you love.

  33. Good day Mr.G & Suzie…..i also think your honesty & frankness is wonderful! prayers will continue for recovery & improvement For Suzie & patience & God's understanding for u both!

    i have a chronic back problem & no stranger to pain for more than 10yrs….i was told i would never walk, well i proved them wrong! Miracles can happen…..

    Sincerely, Linda

  34. Hi Mr G and Suzanne, my name is Michelle and I just wanted to send you Huge Hugs. I just wanted to let you know that reading your post made me cry. I have been ill for nearly 13 years with neurological problems. It started when I was 27. I just wanted to let you know that my husband like you has been my rock, my carer everything, full-time father to our children. Unfortunately, a few years ago I had a huge relapse and my hubby had to take leave from work. It was a terryfying time for us, we felt so isolated. I think it is horrendous for you both, the pain that Suzanne is going through, I know that people don't understand, but pain medication does not wipe out this type of pain, unless you are then wiped out mentally. I live in Edinburgh and the hardest thing for my hubby is the lack of support. It is really heartbreaking seeing him so stressed, constantly worrying about money etc. If you ever want to chat to my hubby please post a note and I can send you an email. I just wanted to send my prayers for Suzanne, please let her know that I too understand how horrendous this is and I am thinking about you all. Take care best wishes Michelle

  35. To God nothing is impossible,all the best from Portugal : )


  36. So sorry to hear abou Suzanne. You are in my prayers and my thoughts!


  37. Sending your family big hugs and I am so sorry to read this !!! I really hope that she will get better really soon, so awful with all this pain!

  38. I bought a card for my friend a few months ago having seen the design for the very first time and I was utterly enthawed by it. I hope that there is something you can do to keep this range alive – it is literally the best thing I have seen in ages.

  39. I love all this stuff and have just got some card making crafts for Christmas for my 9-year-old daughter who looks just like the gorjuss girl. She loves this mystery landscape, mythical animals stuff. I was hoping there would be more to buy, have seen the shoulder bags but I guess Santoro will make you bigger than Hello Kitty LOL

  40. What a wee trooper you are!!! Hugs and high fives for all you are doing for her, Mr G. You are a star.

    I really hope things get better for you both.

    I didn't realise Suzanne is from Glasgow!! As a fellow Glaswegian, I will march into Maia in Buchanan St (which sells lots of her stuff) and buy all the stuff I was oggling on my way home from work yesterday.

    You are doing great things for her, Mr G. I hope a recovery is on its way. Hopefully you will manage to get to the cinema soon, that's always great for cheering folk up.

    Luck and love to you both.

    Lotsaluv, Emma Kathryn

  41. It has been a while since I have stopped by here and I am very saddened to hear this. I actually have goosebumps. Sending all my love to you all xxxx

  42. I have also linked to you in my blog – it's only a wee thing and doesn't get much traffic but hopefully some of them will come and take a peek! xxxxxx

  43. Dear dear Mr. G……

    This is my first time on the Gorjuss site, & oh how sad I feel for you, Suzanne & your children.

    I bought one of Suzannes cards back in early August for a friends birthday at work, coz she luvs cats & cute things. Just yesterday she aked for the artists details for that card, as she & her sister loved it sooo much, but she had misplaced the card now. So I said I'd check it out for her, & went to the shop today here in Gillingham Dorset where I'd bought it from, & wrote down the details. I thought I'd look it all up on the internet before passing the details on, & find myself typing this to you now. I know my friend & her sister will love the stuff you've got for sale, so I'm glad I checked Gorjuss out, coz they'll hopefully order some stuff & help keep you all going for a while longer.

    I feel for you all, & wish only the very very best for Suzanne & you & your children. Being creative is a truly wonderful pleasure in life, it is hard trying to imagine the intense pain & the pleasure that Suzanne has now from being creative when she can.

    My deepest & warmest love goes to Suzanne, you & your children, & I'll wish & wish on that magic star for a magical recovery for Suzanne.

    Becky Coppin xxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxx

  44. soy gran admiradora de los trabajos de Suzanne, y me pregunto podran exportarse estos productos?? somos muchas las latinas que quisieramos poder tener con nosotros algun pedacito de su arte, nuevas franquicias que lo representen tal vez…..

  45. Don't now what to say.
    Best wishes and Big hug!

  46. I'm so sorry to hear Suzanne is ill and send my sincerest wishes for a less painful future.

    Just a suggestion but a lot of crafters would be very, very happy if you were able to produce and sell a craft cd – imagine our delight at being able to use these beautiful images in cardmaking but also with shrink pastics, t-shirt printing paper, decals etc. I have numerous gorjuss stamps and adore them but despite having a fine art degree my colouring results are quite inferior when compared with Suzannes! This might be a way of earning some extra funds for yourselves using work that Suzanne has already completed in the past, removing the need to produce new work ….I believe it would prove to be a hugely popular venture and would be first on the list to buy it!.

  47. I have just read of what has happened i am so much for your wonderful work and my prayers go to you all

    Hugs Crissy

  48. This is such a sad situation for your family, I am now praying for you all, that you will all have whatever it is you need to cope with the changes that have happened or that are yet to come. Your honesty about the situation is admirable, and I'm sure that your customers (incl me) will be more than understanding if orders aren't processed quite as quickly – this is real life, we are a world made up of humans, not machines. I hope things get better for you all. Kirsty Moyes x

  49. This is such a sad situation for you and your family. I am praying that you will all have what you need to cope with the changes that have happened and that are yet to come. Your honestly about the situation is admirable and I'm sure your customers (incl me) will appreciate this and will be more than understanding if things are a bit different from now on. This is real life, we are humans not machines and I really hope you are shown the support you need. I pray for God to bless your family.
    Kirsty Moyes

  50. I'm so saddened to read of Suzanne's continued ill health and I cannot begin to imagine the difficulties you face and how you must all be feeling. Please know my thoughts and positive wishes are with you all.

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