forget-me-not (& a giveaway!)

By on 7-31-2009 in Competitions / Contests, New Paintings, Prints

Hello my lovelies, another week has passed and it’s been one of busy painting days around the house-of-gorj, I also received a wonderful suprise from Santoro by snail mail today but I cant show you all yet.. trust me Santoro are working on amaaazing things and you’re all gonna be happy gorjuss people! (thank you everyone at Santoro !)

forget-me-not title


Here’s the third painting of the week, Forget-me-not.. Prints of her available in the shops (  & ) 🙂

I was going to take a few days off next week but instead ( and more realistically) I’m setting the goal of just ‘taking it easier’ next week, not so many paintings!! .. I have a wee Op on Monday, nothing major, and need time to recover from it tho! Yes I know.. another one.. *sigh*  Please be patient with response times next week as Mr G will be handling most of it on his own!


Yes its that time again, this week we’re giving away…

dear alice title

A HUUUUUGE 16″ x 20″ print of Dear Alice ( on heavy lustre paper.. much better than posters!)  Thats $60 worth of print, and it could be yours !

To Enter ..

On The Blog: Simply tell us what Alice In Wonderland character you would be and why…. Add a comment to this post (Down the bottom there) detailing what character you would be and give a good reason why.. we’ll pick one via and they will WIN…. it doesn’t really get much easier.. If your comment doesn’t appear at first… it just means we need to Authorise it.. don’t panic.

On Twitter:  Just hit the RETWEET button at the top of this blog entry and send it !  Only one retweet per person will be counted ( we dont like twitter spam) .. and all your gorjuss tweets will be counted and numbered and chosen by !

YOU CAN DO BOTH… and double your chances of winning ( hurrah!) 

**Please note if you are reading this update via facebook you must comment on the blog at to enter!

Good luck !

-Suzanne x


  1. Would Love to Alice
    as I have had my own adventures as well
    and I am very curious LOL
    Love these new ones Suzanne
    Hugs Sherri

  2. First i want to say healing thoughts coming your way for your operation . Second I like to say i love alice in wonderland and if i can be a character from there i would love to be alice and go on adventures and explore that would be so fun considering i’m in a wheelchair and all

    Hugs Michelle

    P.S. Love your new stuff you rock !

  3. i would love to be Alice because i like adventure

    i also Retwitted Kimberlin1

  4. I think i would be the white rabbit because i am always hurrying off to do something especially lately!

  5. You know, I’ve never thought about it before, but I’d have to say that I am the White Rabbit. I’m ALWAYS late and running around like crazy.

    Best wishes for Monday. And I just love the new painting!

  6. I could do with being the lil Dormouse at the mo,to catch up on some sleep!!! :o)x

  7. Good luck with the op Suzanne. I hate hospitals but strangely love hospital food. No I do, I really do. I can never sleep when I’m in hospital but I certainly don’t lose any weight 😉

    I think my character would have to be a kind of morphing of the Dormouse and the Cheshire Cat. Because I can fall asleep anytime, anyplace and embarrassingly, anywhere and am never quite ‘with it’ and also because I’m always being told I’ve got a grin like a cheshire cat, always look like I’m up to mischief and am a wind-up merchant. Soooooo a cheshire mouse? 🙂

  8. I think your Forget-Me-Not is a real beauty, Suzanne 🙂 I can just see that wish in her expression.

    What Alice In Wonderland character I would be? Hmm, I think I would be the White Rabbit. Some days it feels like time and events are conspiring agaisnt me as I run around frantically, praying things are going to fall into place! lol

  9. Beautiful paintings asalways Suzanne.

    Good look with your wee op on Monday.

    I’d have to be Alice.I am polite,i have a great imagination and i am always interested in others!

  10. i would like to be alice , because she’s so sweet!

  11. As usual beautiful paintings Suzanne. I would like to be the Cheshire Cat because I like listening and helping people, I keep grinning all the time (which I find sometimes annoying!) lol… and would love to disappear and reappear whenever I wish, probably because I am bit shy!!

    All the best with you op on Monday.

  12. I would want to be Alice, who gets to go on this amazing adventure and experience such awesome things

    Real life can be a royal pain and I wouldnt mind getting lost in a mind awing adventure

    Allto when I am in a bitchy mood I would object to being the Queen lol

  13. I would have to say..tweedle dee or tweedle dum …one because of my lovely shape after having children i can relate lol and im very short in height.hehehe love the film x

  14. Good luck with your op Suzanne, wishing you a very speedy recovery! I would definitely be the dormouse as I keep falling asleep when I should be awake lately!!!!

  15. I agree with Sandy. There should be vampires…lol.

  16. I think Alice in Transylvania would make a great story. I’m looking forward to the new Alice In Wonderland film, I just LOVE Johnny Depp!

  17. Thanks so much for a chance to win your wonderful painting! Good luck with operation! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    I would say Alice because of her curiousity. My own curiousity often leads to me staying up half the night looking up new things especially about crafting. Also the White Rabbit called her Marianne when she went in his house to fetch his gloves and that’s my name. 🙂

  18. The Competition is Now Closed. Thank you all for taking part.

    The Results will be up SOON