Just Gorjuss Awards Week 12

By on 10-06-2009 in Competitions / Contests

The Results Envelope has been found, so its time…

gorjuss awards title
Just Gorjuss Group
Welcome to Week 12 of the Just Gorjuss Weekly Award Ceremony

Now the new award changes slightly week to week, just to keep your collections exciting, this weeks prize looks like this !!!
The Just Gorjuss Award Week 12

Well firstly accept my appologies for the rushed awards ceremony, we’ve just got Suzanne all ready for her op and she’s about to get some well earned sleep. So lets get on with our WEEKLY awards.

tagger contest

Another week of challenges set by our talented and generous friends and extended gorjuss family… lets get straight into our first award of the week….

The Grab Bag Challenge

A virtual cauldren of image goodies in a virtual bag for you to pull out with your virtual hand and make a beatiful snag tag…..
The Grab Bag Challenge Winner
Congratulations Carla……….

The Tutorial Challenge

Follow the amazing tutorial, and the best result wins, This weeks Tutorial is from Qwho…as picked by waffles.

The Tutorial Challenge Winner
Congratulations Kat

The Template Challenge

Use the template to make your creation..break the mould to blow the judges away.. or hit with extreme cuteness.. Heres our winner. Thanks to Stef again for this weeks challenge. The template is again from Horse Play Pasture.

The Template Challenge Winner
Congratulations Frenchee

The Scrap Kit Challenge

Now Mea picked a scrapkit from Stevie.

The Scrapkit Challenge Winner
Congratulations Christy

The Font Challenge

Use the font picked this week by Serena to make your tag utterly gorjuss, and we have a winner.

The Font Challenge Winner
Congratulations Uchy,

The Mask Challenge

Sandy picks a mask and challenges everyone to make a snag tag with it… and this week the prize goes to…

The Mask Challenge Winner
Congratulations Stef,

Midway Madness

No time for madness this week, so lets get right on…

The Picture Challenge

This challenge pits your artistic skills to use a supplied picture this week by Kristie in your creation… well done to our winner.

The Picture Challenge Winner
Congratulation Chani ooh 2 weeks running… still waiting for our first hattrick..

The Frame Challenge

Take a frame selected by our very own Lorna, you need to use it in your tag, or make your tag in the frame.. go look at the forum... It makes sense there… heres our winner.

The Frame Challenge Winner
Congratulations Stef,

The Animation Challenge

No Winner –

The Quick Page Challenge

No Winner – Will be next week.

The Mimic Me Challenge

Well this is our new challenge so lets review Sandy’s explanation about it…
Sandy : ‘In this challenge you are trying to “mimic” the posted tag. It does not and should not look exact, but trying to get the same over all feel is what we are going for. It is kind of like a tut, but I didn’t give you the instructions.’1

Thanks Sandy… now lets have a look at our winner, this week Kim set the challenge..

The Mimic Me Challenge Winner
Congratulations Donahoo

stampers contest

The Stampers Challenge

The stampers challenge is undergoing a little change, it is now bi weekly.. So we will have a winner next weekend..

tutorial writer?

We are looking for tutorials to use in our weekly challenges, there is a dedicate section in our group forum where you can show off your tutorials..

Well now its time to announce our OVERALL Winner – in the BLOG PICKED WINNER OF THE WEEK….
Your prize is a keychain of your choice. Here’s our winner….

The Mimic Me Challenge Winner

So Congratulations Donahoo , please get in touch with your choice of image for the keychain and your shipping details…

join us every SUnday


  1. Just want to say congratulations all… Beautiful works of art…
    Also want to say thank you to the judges for my award week before last I was in such shock I forgot to say thank you …

  2. Congratulations Carla, Kat, Frenchee, Christy, Uchy and Stefx2
    Gorjuss work everyone who entered.
    TYTYTY for picking my picture entry 😀 im so excited hehe

  3. Congrats everyone, gorjuss entries

  4. Congrats to all the winners! Awesome entries. I’m not sure who Qwho is but the tutorial used this week was actually by me 🙂 I’m so honored to have another one of them featured at the JG Forum. Big hugz and get well wishes sent to Suzanne. Hope she is healed up and feeling better very soon.

  5. Oh wow, what an honor. Thank you so much.

  6. Congratulations to all the winners! Fantastic results.


  7. Congrats to all the winners!!! Gorjuss tags everyone!

  8. congrats to all the winners! All entries where fantastic x x x

  9. Yay winners, congratulations!!!!

    Hey Suzanne, you’re on the front page of Etsy today! Woo hooooo!!!!!

  10. i love your art work…is marvellous !!